Wednesday, November 28, 2012

One Ringo to Rule them All

One of those stories where I had to check the date to know it wasn't the April Fool's Day edition. John Lennon wanted to do a Lord of the Rings movie with the Beatles. Seriously.

I now have incredibly mixed feelings. I mean, I completely understand J.R.R. Tolkien's thinking--not wanting his artistic vision compromised by a couple of kids whom he probably considered the One Direction of his era. I would have felt the same way.

But at the same time, I don't think I'm ever going to fully forgive him for killing my chance to see Ringo Starr as Sam Gamgee. That's better than the casting in the Jackson movie.

Oh, well, at least we'll always have this. (As someone who has the scene they're doing memorized back to front, I must inform you that, contrary to what the uploader claims, George Harrison is not, in fact, cursing out some random audience member. He's actually saying "Look you," which, in Shakespearean English, is exactly the same as beginning a sentence with an impatient "Look..."

Edit: I totally should have entitled this post "Get Back, Frodo."

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