Sunday, June 10, 2012


I love to write, in theory. My problem is lack of motivation. Whenever I'm away from my laptop, I'm practically drooling, dreaming about attacking that keyboard and filling the world with wordy wonder.

Whenever I'm at my laptop, I…go on YouTube for a couple hours. I google-search all the same things I google every day. Then someone boots me off, because when I say "my" laptop I mean "the family laptop, used for everything from legal documents to online paper dolls". And I wail and gnash my teeth, because I was just getting started.

What I need is a permanent muse. Not the kind that gives you an idea, hangs around while you're getting it off the ground, then blips off with a "see you later!" and leaves you to fend for yourself. I need a muse-for-hire. I could pay her wages in word-filled pages and…oh look, I bet there's a poem in that. See, this motivation business is not that hard.

…now where do I begin?

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, I totally sympathize. I do that all the time. In fact, I'm doing that right now. It's my muse's day off.
