Thursday, June 28, 2012

Morning Person

I have a tricky time of it, kickstarting a morning. A cup of tea is always essential, of course, but where to go from there?

I mean, I'd love to hang around taking bad photos of the teacup in question and uploading them to Instagram, but I'm told that some people do this thing in the morning called "getting dressed".

Now, I can never decide on an outfit, especially since I'm closetly-challenged and everything I own tends to require ironing from being left in the wrong place. This is a problem that I've surely got the brains to correct, but I can't make those same brains stick to the process of doing so. My brains are too busy floating through the stratosphere, plucking bits of cloud. Which I suppose is educational, in its way.

As for the rest of me, I looked in the mirror and realized that my hair had decided to look good all on its own for once. So I haven't touched it. Why ruin a good thing?

Ah, I love a morning in summer.

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