Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I'm glad I like active protagonists

I don't have a tumblr. I'm not going to vow never to cave in, because chances are I'd end up like Benedick at the end of Much Ado About Nothing, surrounded by wit-crackers. I'm just holding off on it because I can see myself wasting hours of my life on there.

The ironic thing is I go on it anyway just to research my various fictional obsessions, and just now I found this: "The protagonists of the last three things you read/watched/played are the members of your zombie apocalypse survival team. How [expletive]d are you?"

And I said to myself, "P.G. Wodehouse's Psmith, C.S. Lewis's Ransom and all those guys with swords from Julius Caesar? I'd say I'm actually pretty well fortified."


[While this isn't the point of this post, one of the protagonists in my current novel actually quit being lazy and delivered a stunning couple of scenes tonight. I am on top of the world.]

1 comment:


    You are welcome.
