Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Some early P.G. Wodehouse


The above website is one of my favorites, very handy for finding old P.G. Wodehouse stories published in magazines. There's some early Jeeves stuff, but there's also more out-of-the-way material, like school sports pieces and wisecracking Conan Doyle spoofs.

My personal favorites at the moment are the Mike and Psmith stories with the original magazine images, which kind of remind me of Sidney Paget's classic illustrations for the Sherlock serials. They're detailed and deadly serious, with an eerie Viewmaster quality whenever there's a need to convey motion. Psmith, though not as languid or expressive as I'd pictured him, has at least a crackling self-satisfaction, while his sidekick Mike is far more cherubically handsome than he really has any right to be.

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